Tuesday, 24 March 2015

"Your blood test results came back...."

Interesting phone call from the doctor this morning... " your blood test results came back positive for glandular fever" Oh! so it wasn't tonsillitis then!?

So turns out that it was a lot more than tonsillitis and signs of poor liver function showed up in my routine diabetic bloods! No wonder I was feeling so ill, altho maybe I was a lucky one as Iv heard of people being ill for months with glandular fever and for me it was only a couple of weeks...

So anyway now they want to do a liver function test to make sure that everything is back to normal as the glandular fever affected how it was working, they have also told me I cannot drink..... Not ideal considering it's my birthday weekend this week but I'm going to speak to the doctor about that! 

March is turning out to be a rather unhealthy month! Let's hope for better next month please :) 

Saturday, 14 March 2015

I found the cure!

Today was the first time looking in the mirror and I thought I actually look like myself! 

after nearly 2 weeks of doctors, 111 calls and stupid antibiotics that didn't do anything, now I have some new antibiotics and I'm finally starting to feel like me again :) 

My throat swabs came back all clear and they are no longer concerned with me having glandular fever! Basically they said what happened was I started out with strep throat, which went untreated and so it escalated into tonsillitis, then the infection spread to my chest and got worse as the antibiotics they gave my first of all weren't doing anything.... So no wonder I was so poorly! 

What I have noticed however is that my blood sugars have been near perfect during the day and this morning was the 5th morning that I have woken up to a hypo! Upon noticing this the first couple times I started to eat extra carbs in the evenings to compensate and I still woke up low! 

I cannot explain it apart from the fact that these are miracle antibiotics and I may have found the cure to type one diabetes! Haha I only wish, altho I wonder if my doctor would let me take them for the rest of my life!? 😌

Monday, 9 March 2015

All fun and games....

Ok so I got slightly worried last night due to coughing up what looked like bloody tissue and called 111, who got an out of hours Dr to call me back and told me to get an appointment ASAP! 

So saw the lovely Dr again today, I may as well move in to the surgery! Told them my symptoms haven't got any better and some new symptoms I had, they proceeded to poke and prod me, stuck a swab down my neck and nearly made me gag! Bleurghhhhh

Dr said that either the antibiotics aren't working as they should do OR I may possibly have glandular fever.... Im sorry what!? 

Apparently there is a blood test for glandular fever but you have to do it at a certain time otherwise it may not even show up in the results... So I have to wait another week and if my symptoms persist then they will do the test!

So now I'm on different antibiotics and feeling like a guinea pig :(

Just want this all to end now please!!/'s when it does I am putting myself into a sterile bubble!! 😷

Saturday, 7 March 2015

It's ok, having tonsillitis means you can eat a ton of icecream......

Another upside to life as a diabetic.... Lol

So 2nd day off work, temperature has appeared to have gone down which is good so literally just dragged my self out the flat and over the road to get some more nurofen, soups and soft foods etc.... Felt like and most probably looked like death and glad it's just across the road! 

Not sleeping very well, I tend to wake up at random times I suspect when the painkillers I took before bed have run out and so I wake up wth horrible headaches and really difficult swallowing and breathing, some abdominal pain aswell :( and earache for some reason

As soon as the nurofen kicks in I am fine, just a bit of a sore throat and heavy head feeling but that's it, and I can deal with that it's just when they run out that is really painful! I also noticed last night the White bits at the back of my throat which weren't there when the doctor examined me and are really gross! However Iv been told that when they appear it's nearing the end of the infection so that's good I suppose! Skin appears to be healing too but not gonna give up my hopes just yet! 

Looking out the window and seeing how nice it is and all the people in the pub gardens doesn't make me feel better (even tho I would be at work anyway) but that's not the point lol 

Oh well another sunny day and there's me with my weetabix, soups and copious amounts of drugs yippee! 

Friday, 6 March 2015

Can't catch a break!

Safe to say this past month has been full of ups and downs, mostly downs unfortunatly! And not even talking about the diabetes, that's actually been for once the least of my worries! 

It al started with a nasty cold I have about three weeks ago, throat was very painful but thought nothing of it and it gradually subsided! However a week and a half later I wake up, look in the mirror and honestly I'm in shock! My skin had overnight broken out everywhere (I suffer from mild psoriasis) and so for the following couple weeks I tried everything to research why and even got myself on the list for light therapy! (Even though pretty pointless as they couldn't even see my till June!) so I had no confidence, self esteem and my doctor was no help whatsoever! So I was very down, hiding away and didn't want to see anyone! The only person who was helpful was my briliant dad who was giving me all sorts of tips and stuff and trying to cheer me up, so I thankyou so much for that :). 

A few days later after bathing myself in every lotion and potion I could get my hands on, I start to feel ill, my throat was sore, I could feel my glands were swollen and I was finding it hard to swallow, so I did some research and found out that outbreaks of psoriasis are common after having a throat infection! I didn't know this!? Probably as I haven't ever had a throat infection! This may explain it, This may have been why it happened as I could still be harbouring some infection from last time and actually I was now starting to feel very ill! 

Next day I made an appointment with the doctor but I was feeling very ill, checked my temperature and it was high! My head felt very heavy like I was in a bubble and my throat was killing me! There was no cough tho, I made a point of seeing a different doctor who after a few tests and that said that I had tonsillitis! I wasn't expecting that! So off I went with my ten days worth of antibiotics (80 tabs!) feeling like absolute death... Which is where I am now, in bed, off work in a lot of pain and with now what appears to be a chest infection as well! 

Seriously can I not catch a break!?  

Sunday, 1 March 2015

That time of night again...

It's this time at night again where my stupid mind decides to think and look back on life....feeling angry about the fact I have not one, but two incurable illnesses and thinking about people I envy who have the perfect lives that are all coming together, when mine is falling apart... All the mistakes Iv made, how things could be so different right now, how much happier I would possibly be.... 

A dangerous thought trail to go down I know, not worth thinking about the should a, woulda, could a.. But sometimes I do wonder where I would be now if I didn't go on that holiday that made me poorly and led to this illness that will probably ending up killing me, if I had just done that one thing different with that special guy and not fuck everything up (again), if I just turned the steering wheel a teeny bit to the left and passed my damn driving test! 

People always say to me "life is what you make it" and whilst yes I agree, but it's pretty hard to do that when you have been dealt such a shit hand, (and before anyone says it yes I am aware there are people worse off then me!) but that doesn't mean I lose my right to complain!? what if I didn't choose to be ill, didn't choose to have something that totally demolishes my confidence and self esteem? I know I didn't choose this and yes I know that you should always make the best of what you have, but sometimes that can be so difficult when you feel like you have nothing positive, and your just waiting for the next bit of shit to come your way and shake your world even more....

On a more positive note, I have purple hair!!