Friday, 6 February 2015

Man up, its just a cold....

So as i am currently suffering from this cold/flu thing, sitting around feeling sorry for myself, i thought what better thing could i post about than illness!

When you have diabetes, sick days mean alot more than a cold and a sore throat.... An illness such as this can lead to an increase in our blood sugars and diabetics have to follow certain guidelines when this occurs. This includes checking our levels more often, increasing insulin doses, checking temperature, and making sure we drink lots of fluids, among other things.

Its ok to say to someone "man up its just a cold" but for us it really isnt, its alot more! When your body fights an illness, it releases extra glucose into the blood stream to try to help combat it.... obviously in a diabetic this is not helpful! Not only are we suffering with the illness, we are also battling to control our blood sugars, this leads to us not only feeling shitty from the cold but even worse due to high blood sugars, tired, achy, not being able to function properly, blurred vision, shakiness, slow reactions. Its important to keep levels down as if they become too high, it could lead to keytones and a hospital visit but sometimes we are fighting a losing battle and people dont tend to understand what we have to deal with when we are ill.

Whevever blood sugars are above 7mmols, it is doing some kind of damage to our body.... eyesight, lungs, heart etc and its hard not being able to control that damage just bacause you have an illness and cant get your blood sugars below 10... half the time there is no control and you do feel helpless :(

While im on the subject of illness im going to have a rant about the cold relief market! cough syrups, drinks, lozengers, all to give cold and flu relief.....all full of bloody sugar!! i found one packet of strepsils that were sugar free, double the amount of the others, and also double the price and more often then not full of laxatives! not impressd :(

So here is abit of advice, when somone is ill, dont be one of those people that say "man up" "get over it" "its just a cold" because they could be fighting a battle you cant see, you dont understand, and is bigger then you think. 

Well the photo below depics how my weekend will be, hope you all have a better one lol 

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